2021_14_3_14 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2021 > section n_3_2021
Building a culture of trust in Vietnam today: a philosophical perspective

Nghia Thu Nguyen

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.03.14

Trust is the most fundamental spiritual value of social life, motivating people toward good values. In Vietnam today, there is an alarming reality of trust being eroded due to the falsehood and corruption of some governmental officials. Trust is also weakened and distorted in everyday life. Hence the question: how to re-establish trust? This is a compulsory obligation of the Communist Party, State, Government, and the responsibility of each person. This article (1) presents the concepts and understandings of trust, drawing comparisons between selected Vietnamese and foreign scholars; (2) analyzes the role of trust in social life; (3) identifies the crisis of trust that currently exists in Vietnam; (4) as well as points out the causes that lead to this problem. It also explores the transition from trust to distrust as and the desire to come up with possible solutions to restore trust in society, especially in the public sector in Vietnam today.

Key words: Concept of trust, culture of trust, Vietnamese society, corruption, social responsibility

Pages: 151-163

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