2021_14_3_17 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2021 > section n_3_2021
The problem of integrated model of freedom in global world of philosophical science

Gaukhar Tasbergenova – Galiya Begembetova – Aizada Nussupova – Adalyat Yussupova – Saule Medeubayeva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.03.17

The article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical heritage related to the problems of democracy and freedom. The search for new ideas about the phenomena of democracy, freedom, and personal development in various perspectives is carried out. We prove that the components of democracy include freedom, justice, and equality. Our article also shows that for a modern person, democracy is not conceived of without freedom. The position of the fundamental importance of freedom as the highest value for a worthy existence of the individual has also been further developed. It is established that the majority of people are ready to fight for the right to be free by all available means. For them, being free is a vital necessity. The life of modern society has several regularities, and one of them is the need to create conditions that involve a conscious choice of democratic values, the ideal of personal freedom, and creative development. The necessity of creating a model for the development of a free and harmonious personality is established. The article analyzes the key concepts of the essence of freedom in the history of philosophy. The understanding of Western European philosophical doctrines and systems allowed us to identify the peculiarities of understanding the problem of freedom in European philosophy and also to conclude that this understanding leaves for the individual the right to break out of the fetters of necessity. In the course of our study, we reveal the trajectory of the movement of an abstractly taken individual along the path of its ascent to freedom.

Key words: Western philosophy, freedom, philosophical science, heritage

Pages: 188-196

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