2021_14_4_12 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
The Confessions of Rousseau revisited in the contemporary mode

[Les Confessions de Rousseau revisitées en mode contemporain]

Bahia Zemni

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.12

The studies on Rousseauist work seem to have said it all, yet an apparently innocuous fact has rekindled our curiosity and prompted us to take another reading of the Confessions by trying to grasp the vector of singularity in its multiple dimensions, which give the Confessions the status of constituent speeches within the meaning of D. Maingueneau. We will analyze our corpus through the procedures of discourse analysis, also using lexicometry. Our intention is not in analytical completeness but to decipher what from 1782 to the present day still arouses much passion and debate.

Key words: constituent discourse- ethe- autobiography, metadiscourse, lexicometry

Pages: 172-185

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