2021_14_4_18 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
Mediation as a strategy for constructing meaning in the teaching of a subject by integrating a foreign language

[La médiation au service de la construction du sens dans l’enseignement d’une matière par l’intégration d’une langue étrangère]

Magdalena Sowa – Joanna Kic-Drgas

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.18

The increasing globalization as well as internationalization have influenced educational systems all over the world, contributing to widespread of the idea of teaching in a second or foreign language so as to allow students, ranging from primary to tertiary levels, to compete in an international context. The aim of this paper is to analyse and categorise the strategies of mediation used for presentation of subject content knowledge while teaching in bilingual French-Polish classes at secondary school level. In order to take the complex nature of the issue into account, variety of used strategies will be examined by means of corpus analysis. The material used for analysis comes from the bilingual lessons of chemistry and biology recorded in secondary school in Warsaw in the period between November and December 2019. The studies presented will allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the potential possibilities and problems of content-knowledge presentation in foreign langue.

Key words: CLIL, bilingual classes, content-subject knowledge, teacher, mediation 

Pages: 264-281

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