2021_14_4_19 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
The peculiarities of elaboration of the French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French dictionary of physical education and sport

[Les particularites de l’elaboration du dictionnaire francais-ukrainien et ukrainien-francais de l’education physique et sportive]

Rostyslav Koval – Olha Romanchuk – Ulyana Protsenko – Andrii Sova – Olesia Tatarovska

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.19

In this article we analyze the principles of elaboration of the French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French dictionary of physical education and sport / PES. In the dictionary, we include the terms to name the sites where a sporting activity takes place; the names of players and sportsmen; medical professions; equipment and accessories; sports; competitions and rules; people and structures that follow these regulations; institutions and organizations; verbs related to sport; techniques and styles; results, procedures and reactions; sports medicine terminology. The practical results will improve the possibilities of teaching French for students of physical education and sport, and for those who want to learn French for specific purposes (PES).

Key words: dictionary, French, Ukrainian, physical education and sport

Pages: 282-298

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