2021_14_4_2 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
Flipped classroom – what feedback in the FFL classroom and how to assess the work of learners?

[Les classes inversées : quelle rétroaction en salle de FLE et comment évaluer les travaux des apprenant.e.s ?]

Cynthia Eid

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.02

Assessment is not an additional act in the ecology of the classroom. Evaluative gestures, inseparable from those of education or training, encourage the practitioner to reflect on the scope of their actions and to consider the type of interaction that they promote in the classroom.
If the flipped classroom uses summative assessment, the fact remains that the sinew of war is a formative assessment in the pedagogy of support, encouragement, and benevolence.
We will see in this article what is the act of evaluating, the difference between evaluation of learning and evaluation of teaching by learners, and the different evaluation functions in a flipped classroom.

Key words: evaluation functions, the act of evaluating, support, humanistic evaluation, formative evaluation

Pages: 15-40

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