2021_14_4_20 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
Trace analysis of the relationship to writing in terms of the effects of rewriting

[L’analyse des traces du rapport à l’écriture en fonction des effets de la réécriture]

Renlei Wang

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.20

The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of rewriting between the two versions of the same narrative that some Chinese students produced with an interval of two weeks. This analysis points out the diversification of rewriting operations carried out during rewriting: replacements deal not only with spelling issues, but also with the expression and the content; lower or higher rank additions highlight both corrective and creative action of writers; the deletions which mark the modifications of words or sentences are close to the additions, however they reduce the content of the text; the displacements consist of respecting the order of the words and putting the contents in order. These traces of the actions of replacing, adding, deleting and displacing are testimony to the written utterance and the students’ reflection on their previous writings.

Key words: written production, Chinese learner, French as a foreign language, relationship with writing, rewriting operation

Pages: 299-311

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