2021_14_4_8 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2021 > section n_4_2021
Modern lexicology of the French language within the framework of the concept of the digital economy

[La lexicologie courante de la langue française dans le cadre du concept d’économie numérique]

Larisa E. Babushkina – Natalia V. Yudina – Olga A. Kalugina

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.08

The purpose of the study is to describe the external structure of French lexicological terms with the identification of frame structures that are common for modern French lexicology and specific for a concept of "Digital Economy". The article presents the characteristics of the concept of "digital economy", carried out a frame analysis of the structure of the concept "digital economy". The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time on the empirical basis, the primary structure of the concept-term "digital economy = économie numérique" in French lexicology has been revealed. As a result, it is proved that the frame structure of this concept is atomic, hierarchical, and similar to the structure of other frames. The authors plan to clarify slots and sub-slots that were not originally included in the frame description. The theoretical significance of the research is associated with the possible use of its results in linguodidactics, terminology, and terminography. The practical value can be determined by the possible use of materials and research results in the practice of teaching French as a foreign language. The practical value lies in the frame analysis of the concept "digital economy" disclosed in the article, which can be used as the basis for elective disciplines in the field of the linguistic theory. The conclusions of this work can serve as a basis for compiling a database on the concept of "digital economy".

Key words: concept, digital economy, frame analysis, empirical material, frame structures, linguocultural aspect

Pages: 113-126

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