2022_15_1_17 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2022 > section n_1_2022
Integrated promotion model of the European culture in the global world: a socio-philosophical analysis

Raushanbek Absattarov – Galimzhan Absattarov – Marat Absattarov – Zhanna Karimova – Nailya Seisen

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.01.17

The article analyzes the problem of the integrated model of the promotion of European culture. The paper shows that the crisis trends in the development of culture are a natural process, which is a necessary stage of the movement of culture to progressive development in the given ontological foundations of the culture system. At the same time, crises are divided into structural and systemic. The latter, according to the author, is a socio-cultural transformation. The author analyzes the concepts of “culture” and characterizes the features of the technogenic civilization of the West. In the context of civilization, culture is subject to technogenic influences, which is concretized when considering the transition from modern to postmodern, when art and cultural values are transformed into industrial production. The concepts of late capitalism and globalization are related. They characterize the interaction processes between postmodern and traditional cultures, which leads to their destruction and unification. The symbolic aspects of culture in Kant’s theory of knowledge are considered, and the general principles of understanding the symbolism of culture are formulated. The features of understanding the relationship between culture, symbol, and person are shown. The directions of understanding the symbolism of European culture are revealed. The author analyzed the peculiarities of understanding the symbolism of culture in the framework of symbolic anthropology.

Key words: European culture, cultural dynamics, socio-cultural transformation, cultural crisis, cultural evolution

Pages: 169-178

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