2022_15_1_3 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2022 > section n_1_2022
Nothingness: A philosophical reconsideration to the meaning of negation and reality

Ioan Dura – Ion Ene – Andrei Hera – Ion Pana – Mihai Stoica

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.01.03

Philosophical constructions have always revolved around fundamental existential issues. In an attempt to interpret the meaning of these issues, complex concepts capable of synthesising cardinal truths have been developed. This study intends to explore, on the one hand, the patterns of Mādhyamika philosophy of understanding negation as a logical-rational operation that denotes reality, and on the other hand, attempts to decipher the meaning of the term śūnya (“nothingness”), misunderstood in the West as nihilism.

Key words: śūnya, nothingness, Mādhyamika, reality

Pages: 23-29

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