2022_15_2_12 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2022 > section n_2_2022
Innovations in audiovisual translation – thematic analysis of national art texts

Aibek Bekmuratov – Mukhan Issakhan – Sakhipzhamal Uzakpayeva – Saule Zholdasbekova – Zhanna Ospanova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.02.12

The article discussed innovations in audiovisual translation: from reproduction to perception of music or film texts. Cinematography is an integral part of world art, representing a universal way of interaction between different cultures. Audiovisual translation is currently a popular type of translation activity since foreign films form the basis of film distribution in the country. Today, over 50% of the cross-cultural exchange of information is carried out through films, television programs, shows, and video games. Audiovisual translation requires special skills and abilities from translators since the actions they perform are radically different from their usual experience of working only with a verbal (text/speech) series. Recipients of an audio-visual work process message are received simultaneously through several information channels. This imposes a special responsibility on audio-visual translation. The work aims to identify the main features of audiovisual translation as a particular type of translation activity. The object of the research is the process of audiovisual translation as a special type of translation activity. The subject of the study is the features of subtitling as a type of audiovisual translation. The research is based on the method of linguistic translation analysis, which includes such components as observation, description, generalization, comparison, and systematization. In addition, the methods of contextual and interpretative analysis, discourse analysis, and comparative analysis of film discourses were used. The practical results of the research are the systematization, generalization, and application of existing methodological recommendations for working on an audiovisual translation (in particular, over-subtitling), the linguistic translation analysis of the film "Searching for Sugar Man,” as well as the creation of the text of the translation of this film into Russian using subtitling. The choice of the material is due to its novelty and the diversity of social, historical, and cultural realities and the song component, which are of interest from the point of view of linguistic translation analysis.

Key words: audiovisual, translation, film, music, research, innovations, art

Pages: 156-163

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