2022_15_3_13 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2022 > section n_3_2022
Who are you, Mr. Russian preposition?

Lyubov P. Klobukova – Ekaterina N. Vinogradova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.03.13

In this article, a portrait of Russian prepositions as a part of speech is presented. The analysis of grammars and dictionaries has shown that there is no certain list of Russian prepositions and that the image of this part of speech is quite blurry. The author reveals the main “prepositional” blank spots for Russian linguistics: the fast growth of preposition-like units, the lack of objective criteria to separate prepositions and non-prepositions, and a disputable academic (traditional) classification of prepositions. Some feasible solutions for overcoming these research difficulties are suggested, such as the use of descriptive terms and a notion of field, revision of syncategorematic parts of speech and prepositional classifications, as well as searching for reliable tests for membership in prepositions.

Key words: preposition, Russian, grammar, grammaticalization, field

Pages: 147-165

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