2022_15_3_4 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2022 > section n_3_2022
Reflexives in the lexical and grammatical system of language and artistic discourse: linguocultural contrastive aspect

Rakhim Z. Muryasov – Marina R. Zheltukhina – Larisa L. Zelenskaya

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.03.04

The article is devoted to reflexives in the lexico-grammatical system of the language and artistic discourse in the linguocultural contrastive aspect. The problem of establishing the lexico-grammatical nature of reflexives remains relevant in modern linguistics, since the language system in different linguistic cultures lives according to its linguistic laws. The novelty of the study lies in determining the fact that the level status of reflexives is various in different languages. It has been established that the lexical and grammatical categories of reflexive pronouns are contradictory and unstable, presented not only in different languages, but also in grammatical studies of different authors within the same language. In some studies, the reflexive forms a category consisting of one unit, in others – several units and in some studies, they are considered as personal pronouns. In some languages, the reflexive of verbs is described along with active and passive forms as a grammeme of the grammatical category of voice, in others they have a double-level status. As a result of structural, lexico-grammatical analysis, comparative analysis, interpretative analysis of the actual material (artistic discourse), subject-predicate-object relations in verbs defined as reflexive were revealed. The perspective is the consideration of the discursive nature of reflexives in various types of discourse in different linguistic cultures.

Key words: lexical and grammatical categories, category of voice, reflexives, reciprocals, part of speech, reciprocal verbs, reciprocal pronouns, artistic discourse, linguocultural contrastive aspect

Pages: 36-50

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