2022_15_4_18 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2022 > section n_4_2022
Acquisition of lexical competence in didactic approaches aimed at specialized communication

[Acquisition de la compétence lexicale dans les approches didactiques visant la communication spécialisée]

Helena Horova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.04.18

The main objective of our contribution is to determine the role of the acquisition of lexical competence among the specialized public in the current didactic approaches aiming at specialized communication, thus in the concepts such as French as a professional language, French for Specific Purposes and French for Academic Purposes. Students of all the mentioned didactic approaches use a foreign language as a means of communication in their field of study or activity. The aim of our paper is to define the position of vocabulary teaching in selected didactic approaches that deal with the teaching of the French language as a professional language. For the purpose of our article, we have compiled a corpus consisting of methodological publications dealing with the development of specialized French. The analysis of the corpus will aim at defining the role of vocabulary acquisition in these didactic approaches. The conclusion of the text will summarize the analysis and provide a starting point for teaching vocabulary in professional language courses.

Key words: French, lexical competence, professional language, diachronic perspective

Pages: 213-222

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