2023_16_1_12 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2023 > section n_1_2023
Linguistic and cultural specifics of the formation of the diplomatic terminology system

Fariza Ismailova – Larisa L. Zelenskaya – Ekaterina A. Redkozubova – Irina G. Anikeeva – Yelena V. Sausheva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.01.12

The article is devoted to the linguistic and cultural specifics of the formation of the diplomatic terminology system. The purpose of the article is to identify similarities and differences in the formation of diplomatic terms in different languages. After developed states engage diplomatically with other countries, diplomatic terms are formed in their languages. This is one of the most important approaches to expanding the terminological field in the language of the country. International terms are adopted with diplomatic terms. It is essential to study carefully the terminology process and the specific implementation of diplomatic terms which were adopted from foreign languages. Care must be taken to avoid alternative meanings of words in the national language in use. The comparative method, the content-text method and methods of terminological analysis were used in our research. The article identified common diplomatic terms in the field of lexical language borrowings and in the original language. The most used equivalents of foreign terms, mainly from the English, are outlined. The vocabulary building of diplomatic terms was also noted. The study of the semantics of similar diplomatic terms in terminology systems of different languages seems promising.

Key words: diplomatic concept, diplomatic term, term phrase, international term, terminology process, English borrowing terms

Pages: 165-176

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