2023_16_1_8 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2023 > section n_1_2023
Language symbols for conveying culture

Ainura Bayadilova-Altybayeva – Zhanna Tektigul – Saule Sadykova – Trusheva Akkenzhe – Orazova Akmaral

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.01.08

Recent studies have addressed the possibilities of adopting the Latin alphabet in the Kazakh script. However, little attention has been given to the investigation of the role of the script as a set of language symbols in transferring national cultural values. This paper seeks to lend insight into the historical and cultural dimensions of the Kazakh national script. We take a holistic approach to analyze the semiotic processes in Kazakhstan over time by unifying linguistic, cultural and historical perspectives. We highlight the role of language symbols in expanding cultural and spiritual heritage and passing down national cultural values through generations. The emergence of the Kazakh script, the alphabet and their preservation in written monuments, inscriptions of religious content, and publications served as the main means of distributing the national spiritual values, identity and socio-historical treasures. The complex study enabled us to conclude that the transfer of the Kazakh script to the Latin alphabet helps preserve national values, expand the scope of use of the Kazakh language in accordance with the needs of the society and flexibly transmit all modern scientific and technical achievements. The study contributes to the research of language policies in Central Asian countries.

Key words: language symbols, script, culture, graphics, spiritual values

Pages: 109-117

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