2023_16_3_12 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2023 > section n_3_2023
Spiritual culture of modern youth: a cultural and philosophical analysis

Yktiyar Paltore – Raushan Kozhabekova – Anar Mustafayeva – Mergul Kulakhmetova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.03.12

The dynamics of sociocultural transformations in modern society has significantly affected the spiritual life of society and caused changes in the value orientations of a person and his spiritual being, which led to increased interest in studying the phenomenon of the spiritual culture of modernity.
The problem of the spiritual culture of society is of particular importance in the context of understanding the problems of globalization of the modern world and their impact on traditional values. Information technologies, and mass communication, have changed the spiritual basis of the life of a modern person, his spiritual culture, leading to negative processes in the spiritual sphere.
The end of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries were marked by systemic transformations in Kazakh society, which inevitably led to a change of value priorities in the spiritual culture of Russians, changed the ideas of morality, decency or dishonesty of a person, modified the starting point in the assessment of morality. In this regard, it is important to understand what modifications are characteristic of the spiritual culture of Kazakh society.
The most important subject of reproduction of spiritual life is youth, whose essential sociocultural characteristic is the ability to inherit and reproduce cultural patterns, transform them taking into account the changed social experience on the basis of their own innovative creativity and broadcast to future generations, thereby contributing to the development of society. Transformational processes in Kazakhstan's society and the globalization of the modern world have complicated the processes of perception, formation and consolidation of the values of the spiritual culture of young Kazakhstanis. Young people found themselves at the forefront of modern contradictions. Socializing in the conditions of an intercultural clash and the resulting uncertainty, she simultaneously internalizes various patterns intertwined in her consciousness. At the same time, as a result of an active reaction to cultural challenges, she expands her spiritual needs and interests. Under the current conditions, a young person increasingly functions as an autonomous subject, choosing among the many values and styles of spiritual life offered, which actualizes the need to study the features of the content of this culture.
The study of the problems of the spiritual culture of Kazakh youth has heuristic significance due to the theoretical and methodological lack of elaboration on this problem (Chen-Bouck, Patterson, Chen, 2019).

Key words: Mental retardation, intellectual, socialization, disability, study

Pages: 117-124

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