2024_17_2_1 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2024 > section_n_2_2024
An analysis of translanguaging practices in an Indonesian EFL classroom: teacher perception

Geminastiti Sakkir – Fitrah Al Amir – Haryanto Atmowardoyo – Sukardi Weda – Vivit Rosmayanti

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.02.01

This study aimed to find out a teacher’s perceptions about translanguaging. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, and data was collected through interviews. The interview process was conducted with a teacher from class IX.2 SMPN 4 Bulukumba. The findings showed that the teacher argued that translanguaging makes students understand the material more quickly, students are more active, and it creates a supportive learning environment. The teacher thought that translanguaging has a drawback, namely it limits the development of students' vocabulary. To ensure that the use of translanguaging did not interfere with the development of students’ English skills, the teacher tried to use English more often than Indonesian. The teacher also thought that translanguaging was one of the best ways to teach English. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the implementation of translanguaging has a positive impact on the process of teaching and learning English in EFL classrooms.

Key words: translanguaging, perception, EFL classroom

Pages: 3-15

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