2024_17_2_11 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2024 > section_n_2_2024
Malay, Akit, and Chinese ethnic languages: a study of cross-cultural communication in Indonesia

Rehan Halilah Lubis – Fatmahwati A. – Achril Zalmansyah

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.02.11

The cross-cultural communication of ethnic Malays, Akit, and Chinese in Selatpanjang City is very interesting to study because it reveals communication patterns and degrees of harmony (Dewi et al., 2023; Murni, 2021). This study of cross-cultural interactions contains a variety of problems, ranging from those that have a personal effect to those that have a social impact. This study focused on the language characteristics implied in cross-cultural communication between ethnic Malays, Akit, and Chinese in Selatpanjang City. This study aims to explain the characteristics of ethnic Malay, Akit, and Chinese by analyzing their ability to convey verbal messages and ethnic characters. This research design is in a qualitative form that aims to describe, explore, find, reveal, and explain the aspects studied holistically. Data collection is carried out through in-depth observations and interviews. The data is analyzed with steps that include reduction, categorization, description, analysis, discussion, and inference. Based on the results of the research and discussion above, several conclusions can be drawn. First, the language characteristics of the three ethnicities are influenced by their respective socio-cultural backgrounds. Second, the cross-cultural communication between the Malays, Akit, and Chinese ethnicities shows the character of their respective ethnicities.

Key words: cross-cultural, ethnic characters, language characteristics, verbal messages

Pages: 161-177

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