2024_17_3_3 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2024 > Section_n_3_2024
The philosophical impact of the Transaction Model of Communication in ‘helping’ communicators construct reality

Juliana Çyfeku – Edlira Xega

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.03.03

The Transaction Model of Communication (TMC) is the process in which communicators generate social realities within social, relational, and cultural contexts. The messages they transmit may impact an individual’s overall course of action over a lifespan. We are the witnesses of how language changes over time from one context to the next, how it alters the itinerary of people’s actions by any encoded message, either intended or not, and how unpredictable verbal insinuations direct to complicated human confusion, frustration, or even conflict resolution. Verbal communication expresses our identity, and to communicate well within various cultural contexts, we should be open-minded and avoid making assumptions about other’s cultural identities.
Deliberately, the present qualitative study views how TMC helps communicators construct reality. Being different by nature, identity, or culture enriches various aspects of our educational, professional, personal, and civic lives. It philosophically, claims criticism of the vices and insane requests of certain individuals who are devaluing the virtues of people. Moreover, TMC is such an approach that, through reflection and, as a result, interaction, highlights differences and promotes strategies for new alliances so that its unique philosophy infiltrates to understand, create, and change what goes wrong in our social realities.

Key words: context, culture, difference, philosophy of language, strategy Transaction Model of Communication

Pages: 24-38

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