2024_17_3_7 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2024 > Section_n_3_2024
Reconstructing social science: building prophetic-based integralistic social science

Aryo Prakoso – Unti Ludigdo – Lilik Purwanti – Roekhudin

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.03.07

The current conception of social science is filled with the ideas of socialist and liberalist thinkers whose most basic idea is the fulfillment of the human mind's desire to fulfill its desires. The neglect of other dimensions that are very urgent and important, namely spirituality and the culmination of God's consciousness, is the main issue in this research. The researcher presents the idea of constructing social science by combining human rational reason and the word of God. The method in this research uses content analysis with a critical and reflective study of the concept of social science. By using content analysis, we attempt to find answers to questions such as: What is science? What about science from and towards God? The important finding of this research is the synthesis of the concept of prophetic integralistic science based on the word of God taught by the prophet combined with the rational mind of humans. Through the three pillars of humanization, liberation, and transcendence, it will provide social science that is intact vertically and horizontally both to humans and the social environment.

Key words: Integralism, prophetic, social science, spiritualism

Pages: 81-94

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