2024_17_3_8 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2024 > Section_n_3_2024
Philosophical underpinning of Han Feizi’s legalism and its significance in building the rule-of-law state in Vietnam today

Lan Thi Pham

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.03.08

This paper explores the complex relationship between ancient Legalist ideals and the current demands of governance in Vietnam's communist state governed by the rule of law. Given the current state of industrialization and modernization in the country, it is crucial to reassess and adjust socio-political structures to effectively tackle new issues and meet the ambitions of the people. The study argues that Han Feizi's Legalism, a fundamental aspect of Eastern political philosophy, offers valuable insights and historical knowledge that can contribute to the current endeavors to improve and revitalize governance systems in Vietnam. This essay examines Han Feizi's treatise on Law to reveal the philosophical principles and practical uses of Legalism in the context of socialist administration, legal reform, and ethical considerations. Our paper proposes a governance model that combines Legalist principles of clear and impartial rules with Vietnam's socialist beliefs, aiming for a balanced approach. The knowledge obtained from foreign studies reinforces the ability of Legalism to tackle current governance challenges, indicating possibilities for incorporating these ancient principles with modern legal and administrative reforms. We seek to contribute to the discussion on establishing a strong, fair, and adaptable socialist state governed by the rule of law in Vietnam. We emphasize the ongoing significance of Han Feizi's Legalism in effectively managing the intricacies of contemporary government.

Key words: Confucianism, Han Feizi, Legalism, Rule of Law, Socialist Governance, Vietnam

Pages: 95-106

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