2018_11_01_03 - XLinguae

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Information security problems of communication processes: philosophical analysis
Aydar Kayumov – Nasira Muginova – Yelena Leonova – Vera Sarayeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.03
In the article, we have analyzed postulates of the main philosophy paradigms – realism and idealism – in the security sphere and demonstrated that existential dilemma of the information security has been determined by such subject matter of information phenomenon as subjectification in the process of human activity. We state that formation of confidence, mutual understanding and existence of general values are appeared to be the main problem of communication processes. Treatment of communication as spiritual and moral category enables us to cover problems of information security of communication processes in its human, moral and ethical qualities. In such a context, we have examined an issue of the balance between accessibility of information and information protection as a key option in the process to ensure information security. In the frames of indicated components, we offer potential instruments to tackle the problem of information security of communication processes. Solutions to the mentioned problems and ways of improving the effectiveness of communication processes are of practical interest in the context of further development of information technologies are proposed.

Key words: security philosophy, informational technologies, social communication, realism and idealism paradigms

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