2018_11_01_04 - XLinguae

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Truth as the key metaethical category in Kierkegaard
Tibor Mahrik
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.04
This study offers interpretative insights into Kierkegaard’s thought and his understanding of the term “truth” in metaethical relations. Metaethics, though not explicitly presented and used as a term in Kierkegaard's writings, yet represents the implicit framework of his thinking about the life of man, his responsibility, individual life development, and the teleological anticipation of his existence. The thesis presents the concept of truth as an interdisciplinary overlap of metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of the mind that can be identified in various Kierkegaardian works and be related to, so selected writings are being examined here. It turns out that, depending on the concealed intention of the author, different aspects of such interdisciplinary complex emerge in different works, which are permeated into the way how Kierkegaard put the word "truth" into different contexts.

Key words: language, pseudonyms, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, Kierkegaard

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