2018_11_01_07 - XLinguae

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Representation of the morphological information at the level of lexical input during the process of speech decoding: philological and phenomenological hermeneutics vs. psycholinguistic models
Rashid Alikaev – Marianna Asanova – Tatiana Shiryaeva – Tatiana Cheprakova – Sergey Bredikhin
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.07
The article suggests a model of constructing a non-contradictory algorithm for detecting morphological formants in the process of decoding natural language. The priming effect in the current study correlates with the prognostic strategies within the hermeneutical and noematic method. The article offers the results of experiments on lexical priming input of the morphological information and the representation of meaning overtones in German and Dutch phrasal verbs. The authors conclude that constitutional priming implementation is characterized by a repeated realization of phonetic/orthographic components. Each priming effect includes processes that reflect affinity activation between a generalized meaning of the compound word and the associations. 

Key words: psycholinguistics, mental lexicon, priming effect, prognostic strategies, speech decoding, semantic affinity, meaning overtone

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