2018_11_01_08 - XLinguae

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A theory-driven framework for the study of language in business
Tatiana A. Shiryaeva – Ariuka I. Gelyaeva – Rashid S. Alikaev – Dzhamilya  Dzh. Huchinaeva – Mirrat R. Toguzaeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.08

A conceptual framework examines how language influences the way businessmen  interact in their professional setting. The linguistic aspects of socio-cognitive modeling as the methodological basis for the contemporary business discourse analysis are in the center of the paper.  The authors point out the main approaches to establishing the correlation between the cognitive activity of businessmen and the knowledge representation which is concentrated in the language of this social institute; the authors develop an original complex  linguistic model of the business discourse that makes it possible to single out and explain cognitive and discursive mechanisms of how business knowledge acquires a linguistic form and to clarify the role of the language in the process of categorization and conceptualization of the business world. Moreover, taking into account the maturity of the linguistic assessment models, this paper puts forth a new liguo-cognitive model which solves the problem of the narrow-subject directives when studying the linguistic aspects of business communication thus helping to shift from the particular case of language research to a broader study of linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of an institutional discourse.

Key words: sociolinguistics, pragmatics, business language, business discourse, linguistic model, language conceptualization, thesaurus, text, linguistic concept

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