2018_11_01_19 - XLinguae

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Culture-oriented component scientific and methodical support of students' humanitarian training in university
Larisa Yu. Mukhametzyanova – Natalia S. Aleksandrova – Alexander D. Greek Mariya B. Zatsepina – Alexey I. Prokopyev – Igor V. Gaidamashko
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.19
The multidisciplinary nature and continuity of education involves finding ways to systematize the higher education content in order to create motivation for professional development growth. Culture-forming technologies for mastering program material, considered by the authors, perform a set of pedagogical functions, providing the educational information processing. Based on the cultural and competence approach, the authors developed the content of scientific and methodical provision at the methodological, theoretical and methodical levels aimed at updating the organizational, pedagogical and methodical mechanisms of university students’ professional training. The presented scientific and methodical resource creates comfortable conditions for a modern specialist development with a high level of culture and humanitarian education. 

Key words: scientific and methodical provision culturally oriented component, humanitarian training, cultural and competence approach, culture, humanitarian education

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