2018_11_01_28 - XLinguae

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Bilingualism: language policy in modern Kazakhstan
Tulebike Kulgildinova – Aigul Zhumabekova – Kuralay Shabdenova – Laila Kuleimenova – Perizat Yelubayeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.28

The creation of a fair language policy acts as one of the main tasks in multiethnic society. Sociopolitical realities of Kazakhstan as sovereign state demand new language policy that would have to meet needs of the multiethnic population of the country and consider features of a language, demographic and political situation. Today in Kazakhstan works the Concept of language policy directed to expansion of the functioning sphere of a state language and defines Russian as the main source of information and as the mode of communication. The existing model of languages functional development defined in the Concept also assumes the creation of an optimum language space of the state, in this connection, an accurate definition of a functional ratio of languages, at which the state language had to take the worthy place, is required. The goal gives to Kazakh language function of international communication language, demands adoption of the new legislation and accurate state programs of functioning and development of languages. According to the Concept, interests of the economic, scientific, and technical development of the country define demand for knowledge and education received in Russian. Preservation of the functioning sphere of Russian is provided with the aspiration of Kazakhstan to integration processes, preservation of uniform cultural and educational space with the CIS countries.

Key words: bilingualism, the state language, minority language, language situation, the Republic of Kazakhstan

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