2018_11_01_30 - XLinguae

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A brief recollection of Kierkegaard’s testimony on Reformation 500th anniversary
[La testimonianza di Kierkegaard nel quinto centenario della Riforma]
Igor Tavilla – Roman Kralik – Jose Garcia Martin

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.30

Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a radical Christian thinker. As a philosopher, he emphasized the paradoxicality and irreducibility of faith against the dogmatic-speculative view on Christianity, which conceived faith as an objective and systematic knowledge. With regard to his existential commitment, Kierkegaard fought against the religious establishment of his time, accusing it of hypocrisy. The present article recalls Kierkegaard’s dispute against Christendom and his critics of Protestantism.

Key words: Kierkegaard, Luther, grace, law, Protestantism, honesty

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