2020_13_01_01 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_1_2020 > section n_1_2020
The French language environment in Slovakia and the professional development tools for a French language teacher

[Prostredie francuzskeho jazyka na Slovensku a nastroje profesijneho rozvoja pre ucitela francuzskeho jazyka]

Eva Pupikova – Jana Birova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.01

The aim of this paper is to describe the contemporary situation and position of French in the context of education as well as possibilities of cooperation. Another objective is to describe, by analytical approach, the importance of portfolio creation as a tool for the professional development of a teacher of French or a foreign language teacher. The study also focuses on the conditions and negative aspects of its creation. We will also outline the possibilities of its use to represent the acquired professional competences of a foreign language teacher during the attestation examination, which resulted from the new legislative conditions.

Key words: innovated language policy, teacher portfolio, reflection, professional standard, professional competence of teacher

Pages: 6 - 23

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