2020_13_01_11 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_1_2020 > section n_1_2020
New teaching focus of FLE to a new sociolinguistic context
[Nouveau focus d’enseignement de FLE à un nouveau contexte sociolinguistique]
Klementina Shiba
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.11
As language learning is also about learning culture, this article proposes to address the issue of authentic FFL (FLE) teaching in a new sociocultural context where a teacher-centred teaching is replaced by a learner-centred approach. Although the communicative approach, according to the psycholinguistic model, favours the learning of languages, we are in the conditions of teacher-centred teaching.During the teaching / learning of a language, one does not only teach language and lexico-grammatical models but adopts a new system of thought and knowledge about the culture, which requires a greater exposure to authentic communication contexts that simply didactic materials cannot offer.    The human tendency to view technology in an anthropomorphic way increases the potential of the Internet to support the process of authentic language teaching/learning using ICT. Research and practice both support the interactive sociolinguistic model, which focuses primarily on the social aspect of language and the discovery of linguistic barriers in the communication process, thus orienting the authentic teaching of languages towards a learner-centered teaching of skills.

Key words: interaction, environment, ICT, sociolinguistics, authentic

Pages: 139 - 150

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