2020_13_01_23 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_1_2020 > section n_1_2020
Students’ media competence formation in French foreign language teaching in the practice of higher education

[Formation de la competence mediatique chez les etudiants en classe du francais langue etrangere dans la pratique de l’enseignement superieur]

Larisa E. Babushkina – Olga A. Kalugina

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.23

The research examines the theoretical issues of the students’ media competence formation in French foreign language teaching in the practice of higher education as an interdisciplinary concept that requires a conceptual study and methodological basis. The study revealed the essence, formed the definition of this phenomenon, showed up its structure. The essence and content of the concept of “media competence” are analyzed, the psycholinguistic features of students are revealed, and the possibilities of using media supports are examined. The analysis of the educational opportunities of media supports is carried out and an algorithm for organizing the work of students to create media supports for educational purposes is developed.

Key words: media competence, media competence formation, French as a foreign language, higher education practice, media competence formation approaches, media supports

Pages: 314 -333

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