2023_16_2_19 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2023 > section n_2_2023
Innovative methods in teaching writing in English

Karlygash Moldabayeva – Sagina Odanova – Karlygash Nurmuhametova – Assiya Bekbossynova – Nazira Shakhmetova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.02.19

The study was undertaken with the help of the following methods of research: analysis of the theoretical and methodical literature, questionnaires, conversations with teachers, analysis of written works of students.
Students' written works contain the following shortcomings: incomplete disclosure of the topic; inability to formulate the main idea, to argue their thoughts, to ensure intra-textual coherence, to formalize the text structurally and logically correctly, to divide it into paragraphs, to self-edit the text; failure to comply with the required level of formality. The results of questionnaires, conversations with teachers, analysis of written works of students shows a low level of proficiency in written speech of the respondents.

Key words: Innovative, method, teaching, writing, experience, communication

Pages: 250-263

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