2023_16_2_4 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2023 > section n_2_2023
Formation of the ability to listen in English

Sholpan Sayimkulova – Assel Chaklikova – Jamila Dosmagambetova – Batyrkhan Auyezov – Kulshat Smagulova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.02.04

The article is devoted to the formation of listening skills among students learning a foreign language. In addition, the article deals with the problem of formation of listening skills stages and ways of formation of these skills using short popular science texts selected taking into account engineering specialties. Special attention is paid to the methods of working with students with multi-level formation of listening skills in general, and in the professional field in particular.
Recommendations are presented for the use of educational audio materials in the independent work of students, including using an electronic educational environment, as well as the principles of selection of audio texts and the principles of the organization of educational material in general.
The article also defines a new method for teaching listening, identifies goals and objectives, mechanisms of listening.
The role of listening in the process of mastering a foreign language as a means of communication is emphasized, arguments are given in favor of the constant expansion of vocabulary and the study of conversational grammar, some recommendations are given on the organization of practical listening classes in the student audience.

Key words: listening, extensive listening, intensive listening, foreign language texts, audio materials, listening skills, effective communication, communicative competence, phonological competence

Pages: 46-53

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