2023_16_2_9 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2023 > section n_2_2023
Competence-based approach in the training of future specialists in arts and humanities

Assel Kundahbayeva – Larissa Noda – Gulim Astemes – Olga Lozhnikova – Nazym Eskhuatova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.02.09

The evolution of the concept of "competence" in education, in particular in the field of language didactics, was reflected in the works of linguists and sociolinguists of the late twentieth century, for example, considered the ability to speak a language is a feature of the human brain, part of an innate genetic program. In this sense, competence is something that a subject can perfectly embody by giving his biological potential. The competence is unique and independent. Linguistic competence means an innate universal linguistic predisposition, an ideal internal ability that ultimately explains any linguistic phenomenon put into action.
The method of questionnaire survey was used to study the features of philologists working in the education system, namely in secondary schools, lyceums, preschool educational institutions, colleges in Almaty.

Key words: mental retardation, intellectual, socialization, disability, study

Pages: 115-128

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