Perception and practice of using Artificial Intelligence in education: An opinion based study
Sohaib Alam – Ansa Hameed – Martyna Madej – Aleksander Kobylarek
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.01.15
The study advocates that educators create a clear plan and strategy for integrating AI, continue their professional development, and be flexible in the face of new tools and methods in order to successfully traverse this quickly changing environment. Educators can also help AI become more widely used in the classroom and improve the educational setting for their students by encouraging open communication, including participation in the decision-making process, and addressing privacy, ethics, and accessibility concerns. AI techniques were also employed to assist with editing this work; specific recommendations were made, and this research also changed the word choice or grammatical structure. The AI-powered syntax and spelling verification feature of Grammarly made it easy for academicians to quickly go over their work and fix any typing errors. The purpose of this study is to introduce educators to the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom, both now and in the future, with an emphasis on generative AI, which has been made popular by ChatGPT, Google's Bard, and Microsoft's own Bing Chat. It provides educators with practical advice on how to make the most of these tools now and in the future. The study employs a mixed methodology to seek responses from teachers (40) through a questionnaire about their experiences, difficulties, and future prospects of AI in education. The findings suggest that AI has impacted the learning outcomes of students.
Key words: Artificial Intelligence, learning tools, Chabot, machine learning, practical approach
Pages: 216 - 233
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