Analyzing teachers’ perceptions of the impact of Moodle personalized positive feedback on foreign language students’ motivation and engagement
Radhia Aissi – Samia Mouas
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2024.17.01.09
With the considerable growth of e/blended-learning, which has accelerated in HE settings, especially since 2020 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, automated feedback (FB) has become the focus of increasing research interest (Cavalcanti, 2021). Yet, there is a scarcity of research that thoroughly examines the documented progress made up to date in this regard in Algerian universities. Thus, this study was carried out to capture university teachers’ perceptions of the impact of personalized positive FB via the Moodle platform on their students’ motivation and engagement in learning. The research design adopted consisted of quantitative data generated from teachers’ responses to an online questionnaire. Findings suggest that the importance of personalized positive FB emerges as a pivotal element in enhancing both motivation and engagement. Pearson correlation as a statistical technique was conducted to meet the objectives of this study. The results revealed a very weak relationship between teachers’ Moodle training and their quality of personalized automated FB and a weak correlation between teachers’ Moodle familiarity with personalized automated FB and their students’ motivation and engagement. Some important recommendations are presented.
Key words: Moodle Platform, Automated Feedback, Motivation, Engagement, positive feedback
Pages: 123 - 141
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